A root canal treatment is the treatment of an inflamed or infected tooth. The treatment goal is to eliminate any bacteria and remove dead nerve tissue in the tooth and obtain a root and crown seal to prevent future infiltration of bacteria.
Traditional Root Canal Treatment vs. Laser Assisted Root Canal Therapy;
The traditional treatment requires chemicals like sodium hypochlorite to disinfect and clean the tooth to remove bacteria. Laser treatment targets the bacteria and the infected area and reduces the bacterial count by 99.7%. Laser treatment is also minimally invasive and conserves the original tooth structure. It is also less aggressive than the traditional procedures as it reduces bleeding and post-operative inflammation.
How does laser treatment work?
Lasers emit intense focus light energy or photons, consisting of properties that interact with specific biologic tissues. The parallel beam of light energy passes into the canals and is absorbed by pigment-containing bacteria, causing a thermal rise killing the bacteria present in the root canal system. The laser also removes organic tissue and the smear layer, thus disinfecting and cleaning the canals.
Is the laser-assisted root canal treatment painful, and do I need local anaesthetic?
Some patients experience pain and sensitivity after treatment, and some patients do not experience pain and sensitivity. It differs from patient to patient. In most cases, a local anaesthetic is still necessary to ensure that patients experience little to no discomfort.
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